Android Architecture

The following diagram shows the major components of the Android operating system. Each section is described in more detail below.

On November 5th, 2007 leading technology and wireless companies came together to announce the future development of a truly open platform for all kinds of mobile devices – Android. Leading this development are Google Inc, T-Mobile, Intel, HTC, Qualcomm, Motorola along with many other companies under the umbrella of the Open Handset Alliance – a global alliance between technology and mobile industry leaders.
The Open Handset Alliance’s common goal is to foster and develop a new breed of innovation for mobile devices allowing a far better user experience than today’s current mobile platforms. 

The OHA will provide a far greater degree of openess that will enable developers to work and collaborate in ways never before seen, Android will greatly improve and speed up the process in which new and innovative mobile services are development and made available to the end user.

Through the development of Android, developers, manufacturers and operators will be far better positioned to ship out new and innovative products far quicker and far cheaper than todays standards.

The Android platform will consist of an operating system, middleware, a user-friendly interface and powerful applications. 

This fully integrated bundle of software will sgnificantly lower the current costs of developing mobile devices and services.
The Android platform is licensed under one of the most progressive open-source licenses available giving operators and manufacturers unprecedented freedom to design, build and distribute their own products.