Something about : A Pursuit of Happyness (Happiness) Movie

Something about : A Pursuit of Happyness (Happiness) Movie

  • I heard a lot about this movie on internet movie reviews site. So one day I decided to watch this film. This movie was played and directed by will smith. His real life son also played a role of his child in this movie.
  • This movie is about struggling and fighting with a common man’s life problems. When he has to spend each and every single penny with caution. As they were tightly meeting with their daily requirements.
  • He had invested all his savings buying a lot of medical x-ray instruments. Which were costly and very less doctors were willing to buy. But every day he was used struggle selling those xray instruments.
  • His daily routine activity involves getting up early then be ready. He then leaves his son to the a Chinese nursery school. On the outside of the school he was always noticing “Happyness” and he was reminding a sweeper every time he saw this. That there is an I in “Happyness” instead of Y. Then he was visiting all the doctors getting there appointment, convincing them and selling each peace with a very tiresome efforts. He was earning profit of something 100/200$ with each instrument. Keeping that in mind that he’ll be able to sell them very easily because of its’ unique features though it was a tough job for him to sell a single piece. Her wife was supporting him wholly. She was also doing double shift as a Clarke in a Hotel. But over the time she was also tired of this daily chase with life. So the Hero was struggling with all the areas of his life though he was in a hope that he’ll come over it one day. He saw a very rich man leaving his luxurious car and entering in to stock exchange house he was surprised and asked him how you bought this? He smiled and said I am an stock broker and I earn commission selling stocks to rich people and that’s the way I did it. So he thought that if he gets a chance to enter into stock market he’ll be able to solve all his problems. One day he saw a sign that a famous firm requires agents for their company and he applied for the same. That internship program was of 6 months with no stipend and the firm was taking 20 participants and selecting only 1 candidate for the post. He has to work all day. Mean while he financially broke, her wife left her and moved to some else because they weren’t able to pay their home rent.
  • He spent very bad time in those months. While working in the office he was used to fulfill all orders of his trainer i.e. getting a glass of water, coffee, parking his car. He wasn’t taking much breaks while others were. He believed that it will save his time and will buy more time to call all perspectives whom he suppose to call. These perspectives where all high class executives, directors, chairman, CEO of all fortune 500 Companies. He was meeting all of them and selling the stocks plan for their retirement and investment plans.
  • Mean while he was also selling his medical instruments on week offs. He lost two of his instruments and he recovered them back too which was one of very interesting part of movie. He was good with mathematics and puzzle solving. He solved a Rubik’s cube puzzle while sharing a cab with his one of managers, that’s the way he impressed his manager.
  • On the final part all candidates were supposed to give very tough exams about what they learned all the time. He gave the paper and he was confident about his result but he was afraid because he hadn’t got any deal with any of his perspective  list so he thought that he might be not getting this job. On the next day his trainer called him to declare his result with the top executives of the company. He was not in the right frame because he wasn’t wearing formal shirt, pants and a coat. All guys welcomed him and started slowly that you have done very good job all the time. And asks him what you think about the results? He said I don’t know. And finally they surprised him that you are selected as a stock broker. And we need you in the office wear from tomorrow. He had a tear of joy in his eyes. He thanked all superiors, shaking their hands. And left the office with a joy which was the ending of his pursuit of happiness that he was chasing since a long time.
  • This email has missed some parts of the movie but if I tell them you won’t watch it. As it’s a must watch movie who likes inspirational & emotional movie. And I bet no one can play a role like the way will smith played in this movie. I really salute this guy for his acting. And no doubt this movie is one of those movie I won’t ever forget.

Keep rocking frnzzz........

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